
Sunday, April 13, 2008

Non ho finito

Sono ancora io, per annunciare che mi sono avanzati tanti gomitoli! Evidentemente l'unione dei fili con la tecnica split-plicing è servita anche a fare economia! In autunno troverò sicuramente qualcosa da fare, un gilet, delle manopole ... magari questo!
Spero che non vi dispiaccia se tornerò qui a mostrarlo.

It's me again, to announce you I have many balls left! Surely the split-splicing joining method saved a lot of yarn! I think I'll find something to knit for next autumn, a vest, or mittens ... maybe this! I hope you don't mind if I'll come back here to show you.

Arrivederci...e buon knitting!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Finally "I'm done!"

Ebbene ce l'ho fatta! Ecco le ultime fasi del travaglio
Finally, I'm done! Here the last steps of my labour

Qui è ancora un mistero ... non posso provarlo con lo scollo chiuso. Devo fidarmi e andare avanti!
The sweater is still a mystery... I cannot try it on, the neckline is steeked. I have to trust my work and go on.

Seguo le istruzioni e rinforzo i margini che andranno tagliati.
I'm following the directions and I crochet the edges before cutting.

Che coraggio usare le forbici dopo tanto lavoro.... ma adesso sembra un maglione! With boldness, after so much toil, I take the scissors ... but know it looks like a sweater!

E ora se volete vedere la mia faccia .... andate qui! And now, if you want to look at my face ... go here!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Finally, I'm in

It's taken a while, but after admiring everyone else's work I do have some pictures to show.
As you can see, I'm doing the simpler, two-color version. 
The first picture (I think; at least it is if I'm understanding this software) is the finished body, with the steeks cut. Next is the cut edge of the steek, showing off my nice neat crochet reinforcement (it really works!). I needed that, since I'm using a merino wool instead of a Shetland and it's not nearly as grabby.
Finally, there's the scary shot, of me cutting the steek. The reality wasn't actually that scary, but it's still a fun picture.